Lisa Gordon-Davis

Countries & Projects

Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Knowledge Transfer for Agribusiness Innovation: Promoting employment and growth in agrotourism (Gashtukal).


  • Conducted a field mission to identify needs and understand context in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
  • Revised Agritourism materials from Azerbaijan
  • Developed and delivered training of trainers and coaches in Erbil

Timor-Leste (UN Tourism)

Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) project: Advisory and Capacity Building for Women in Tourism in Timor-Leste.


  • Conducted a training needs analysis for women in tourism in Timor-Leste.
  • Developed an action plan for training women in tourism in Timor-Leste
  • Developed and delivered a training of trainers seminar to identified training providers who rolled out training to the target beneficiaries.
  • Developed training materials on a range of topics including digital marketing, service and communication, guesthouse and airbnb management, food hygiene, and supervisory skills

Morocco (Swisscontact)

Programme Tourisme Durable Suisse Maroc (TDSM):


  • Development of training materials for small guesthouses in the High Atlas Mountains – sustainability; service quality and receptions skills, maintenance and housekeeping, good kitchen practices, meal service.
  • Development and delivery of Train the Trainers course.

Azerbaijan (GIZ)

Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training Program in the South Caucasus (PSDTVET)


Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training Program in the South Caucasus (PSDTVET), and the Regional Innovative Tourism Product (RITP) course.


  • Program which aims to encourage new and existing entrepreneurs in the regions to develop innovative products and services.
  • Development of training materials for Agritourism businesses; training of trainers.
  • Development of training materials for tourism startups for youth (17 – 22, emphasis on gender inclusivity), training of trainers.


Member of Formulation team for Luxembourg Indicative Cooperation Programme V (ICP):


  • Focus area: Skills Development and Employability (targets of tourism and agriculture).

Tanzania/Zanzibar (UNDP)

UNDP Integrated Tourism Recovery and Resilience in Zanzibar Project:


  • Development and delivery of Covid-19 (Health & Safety Protocols) training for the tourism and hospitality industry.
  • Review and revision of curricula for three Tourism training institutions, including the State University of Zanzibar Institute of Tourism (SUZA IoT).

Indonesia (Swisscontact)

SUSTOUR Destination Development Project:


  • Development of training materials for sustainable operations for hospitality enterprises in emerging destinations.
  • Development and ToT of Covid-19 protocols (cleanliness, hygiene & safety) for hospitality and related businesses. 2020 – 2021.

WISATA Tourism Development Project:


  • Consulting on, contributing to and training trainers for hospitality training including housekeeping, food and beverage, kitchen practice, reception and tour guiding in emerging tourism destinations in Indonesia. 2015 – 2016.

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation:


  • Better management practices for smallholder farmers: lead consultant to develop high impact training programmes for farmers of various commodities including oil palm (including DRC in Africa), rubber, cassava, and mangrove shrimp (Borneo, Sumatra, Java).
  • Development, piloting, and training local master trainers on 14-module training course for the development of agricultural cooperatives.

Myanmar (Swisscontact)

Consultant and Technical Backstopper to the Vocational Skills Development Programme (VSDP) for Swisscontact in Myanmar: 2019 to current.


  • Development of Health and Safety (Covid-19) protocols and implementation manuals for 7 tourism industry sectors in Myanmar for the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.
  • Facilitation of the development of occupational standards for the food production (cookery) occupation in Myanmar.
  • Development and testing of assessment instruments and protocols for four levels of professional cookery occupational standard
  • Review and revision of all training materials for the Hospitality Training Component of the VSDP.
  • Development and facilitation of Training of Trainers from key Myanmar hotel groups to support them to establish in-house training capacity (12-week ToT programme including Instructional Design).
  • Development of 3-month curricula for different courses for Nyaungshwe Vocational Training Institute in Southern Shan state.
  • Support on Life Skills training materials review and quality assurance.

Cambodia (Swisscontact)

Technical backstopper to Skills Development Programme (SDP)


  • Funded by Swiss Development Corporation, implemented by Swisscontact: 2016 – present: on-going project
  • Technical expert to the Hospitality Kampot (HoKa) project: situation analysis and project scoping, master trainer for development of materials and backstopping of training delivery: Swisscontact: 2018 – 2021.

Lao PDR (Swisscontact)

  • Development of COVID-19 training content; 2020
  • Technical expert on tourism and hospitality training for the LuxDev Laos/029 Skills for Tourism project: training needs analysis, programme design, development, and delivery of master training package to Laos National Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (Lanith) 2018.
  • Situation analysis on Tour guide training in Champasak for the Champasak Tourism Business Promotion Project, February 2015.
  • Development of Tour guide training course and materials – and delivery of Training of Trainers course in Pakse, Champasak, June – August 2015.
  • Consulting on the development of an English language training platform for tourism and hospitality workers in Champasak province, Laos.
  • Development of Destination Management training for Asian Development Bank project (training sub-contracted to Swisscontact).

Malawi (GIZ)

More Income and Employment in Rural Areas in Malawi (MIERA) project:


  • Technical support, development of a new qualification framework, curriculum development, materials development, and training for trainers for the Malawi Institute of Tourism (MIT).

The Gambia (ITC)

Youth Empowerment Project funded by EU and managed by the UN International Trade Centre (ITC). 2017


  • Technical support, curriculum review, materials development, and training of trainers for the Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute
  • Development, piloting, and training of trainers for technical skills training in the emerging destination of Janjanbureh.
  • Development and delivery of tour guide training and development of tour products in Janjanbureh.

Kenya (Cadena)

  • Development of new curriculum and supporting materials for the TVET qualification on Tourism Office for TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment And Certification Council (TVET CDACC).

Cambodia and Vietnam (SNV)

High Impact Tourism Training for the jobs and income in the informal sector: Project managed by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation and funded by the European Commission under the Investors in People Programme.


  • Country programme leader: Vietnam and Cambodia.
  • Development and training methodology to all 7 countries in the programme: Ghana, Mali, Benin, Mozambique, Nepal, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Mozambique (UN Tourism)

Strategic Tourism Development Plan for Mozambique:


  • Specialist consultant for Human Resources development and training, and hospitality quality assurance: May – July 2014.

The Gambia, Tanzania, Ghana, Mekong Countries (UN Tourism)

  • Developed and delivered training in support of the UNIDO-GEF-UN Tourism COAST (Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism) project: ‘Champions of Biodiversity and Environmental Protection’ aimed at small businesses in coastal towns in selected COAST countries in Africa.
  • Revised this material for different countries and contexts, from West to East Africa, and to the Mekong countries.

eSwatini/ Swaziland (IFC)

IFC-funded SMART (SME Market Access to Regional Tourism) programme.


  • Development of SME training materials for small hotels, guesthouses, and local tour operators in targeted African countries. The countries included Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal and Zambia, and the materials were piloted in Swaziland.

South Africa (AECID)

South African Tourism Institute (SATI) funded by AECID (Spanish Development Agency). Managed the project in the capacity of Executive Officer. Projects included:


  • Training of Tourism and hospitality teachers in support of the CAP curriculum
  • Bursaries for Tourism and hospitality students,
  • resource centre and libraries
  • Training of tourism SMEs: Tour operators, B&Bs, caterers
  • African conference on tourism skills development

South Africa (NBI)

National Business Initiative: Consulting on tourism issues on retainer basis.

  • Development of terms of reference for National Tourism Skills Audit: South Africa

Department of Higher Education and Training South Africa: HRD Support Unit.

  • Development of a comprehensive Professional Development Placement (PDP) programme for FET College lecturers

Travel and Tourism Programme.

  • Strategic planning, secretariat of global country meeting, writing of teacher guides on school industry liaison. South Africa.

Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA):

  • Consulting on Tourism HRD Strategy South Africa.

Zambia Lesotho

Grant Thornton:

  • Development of Accommodation Grading Scheme in Zambia and Lesotho – team role: training of grading assessors.

Swaziland Tourism Authority:

  • Training of accommodation grading assessors.

South Africa

Council on Higher Education: Higher Education Qualification Committee:

  • Evaluator of tourism and hospitality programmes from Private Higher Education Institutions. South Africa.

Witwatersrand University School of Education:

  • Training of master trainers on FET College Hospitality Curriculum for Correctional Services. South Africa.

Grant Thornton:

  • Consulting on skills development projects such as the Tourism Skills Audit.

Mpumalanga Province Department for Education.

  • Training teachers in implementation of new CAPS curriculum.

Tourism Enterprise Programme:

  • Writing legal toolkit for tourism SMME’s; review and revise 34 existing modules for tourism SMMEs in South Africa.

Southern Sun Hotels:

  • Delivery of Supervisory Skills Builder Programme over 9 months, delivery of induction and service skills programmes. South Africa.

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